Thursday, October 22, 2015

Sci Fi Thingy

Sci Fi Thingy

It was Sunday afternoon and we were going into a Lambo. We never knew were we were going to space. I was given a tablet. I had special things that I didn’t know what those things were. We then landed and I was wearing an astronaut suite. We landed on the Sun. We then went inside and we had a huge machine full of fire extinguishing. There was no fire when we opened it we landed on the wrong planet. We went on the planet called Sofistacatedsunnygolfyummy land. Then we went somewhere else. We landed on this huge black and white planet! It looked like this>>>>>>>

And then we all saw people. Just people playing football. We recognised them. They weren’t all ordinary people. They were footballers!!! They were then going somewhere else. It was… A Football Party!!! Every single footballer was there including Pele, Neymar, Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo.

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