Thursday, August 13, 2015

The Epic Game

It was Saturday morning when Tom Babel was going to his first ever football match. The teams were Liverpool and Arsenal. The first goal was scored by Robert Pires to make it 1-0. The second goal was scored by Steven Gerrard to make it 1-1. And the final goal was scored by Thierry Henry to make it 2-1 to Arsenal. Tom was delighted with Arsenal's win. 5 years passed and Tom wasn't a 19 year old teenager anymore. He was a 24 year old man. He became a footballer. His first team was Fulham. He then moved to Man Utd for a 85 million dollar move. Tom then became a milionaire at the age of 26. He was a professional footballer now. He then saw a contract for 3 years at PSG. He moved to france for 110 Million dollars. 3 years later Barcelona wanted him for 140 million dollars. Tom was the most expensive player in football history. His salary was 150 thousand dollars a week. He became richer than Bill Gates with 9999 billion more than him. He then got a contract offer from Sheffield Utd. I mean who in the world would go to Sheffield Utd from Barcelona. Ofcourse you know what he did. He stayed at Barcelona.

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